Steve Jobs as a role model?
Last week, I read another inspiring book about a man, who is known for his black turtlenecks, nickel glasses and inventions, that changed the world within a few years:
Of course, I am talking about Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.
Although the book and also the film about Steve Jobs create a rather negative image of a father who denies his daughter, a perfectionist and avaricious man, I somehow developed sympathy for him.
Jobs did not grow up with his biological parents, his birth mother gave him up for adoption, when her son was a baby.
Although Steve Jobs seldomly expressed appreciation for others, his “new” parents seemed to be holy to him. They had a simple life style and did not go to high school. His father worked as car mechanic, his mother as accountant.
Job´s friends believe, that the feeling of being given away as a child, has left scars behind in his soul. At the age of 23, he became a father himself, but he left his child and his girlfriend just before the birth.
At that time, his parents tried their best to afford excellent education for their son, in spite of a lack of financial resources.
Drugs, energy-sapping diets and little developed social skills left him feeling alone, but did not form obstacles for his world-transforming inventions.His presentations were meticulously planned, nothing was left to chance.
What looks so simple is the result of many weeks of hard work not only for the former CEO of Apple, but for his whole team.
If I were to ask those who worked together with Jobs or who were even subordinated, I would probably gather different opinions about Job´s capability of being a boss. According to his biography, Jobs disliked those, who did not dare to express their views, because they did not pose a challenge to him. On the other hand, those who put forward a strong counteropinon to Job´s point of view (e.g. concerning the price of the Mac), were endangered to experience Job´s hostile, sometimes rude attitude. Even though his team did not take him and his outbursts of rage seriously after some time, especially new faces coming to the company where intimidated by his behaviour.
No doubt, Steve Jobs had a great impact on the success of Apple. If the low esteem of employees, (which can be seen as a consequence of his undeniable antisocial personality disorder) was an obstacle or the reason for the rise of Apple, remains open to question.
Although I am convinced, that staff must be treated kindly in order to build up a company (taking Johnson&Johnson, Google or Intel just as 3 examples of many, where the appreciation of employees is an important part of the company culture), Job´s way of (mis)treating people had positive effects: everyone gave his/her best to impress the director and only the very best workers could be sure not to be fired.
That this behaviour is morally reprehensible is an obvious thing to say, moreover the reaction of the public, that does not tolerate such unfair treatment, is bad for business.
Of course, I refuse to accept that Job´s behaviour was accurate. Using his strategy as a role model for leading staff is irresponsable.
Nevertheless, one of many important lessons, that I have learned from Steve Jobs is, that I do not need to get along with everybody to reach my goals. He appreciated authentic people with their own ideas and suggestions.
Let us do what we are best and unique at: let us be ourselves!
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